Saturday, July 28, 2012


NorthernDaddy messed up. Instead of planning out the trip to the Tulip Festival in Ottawa, he goofed off and surfed the pins on Pinterest. NorthernMommy noted his lack of preparation and cancelled the trip (she didn't want to overnight in a cardboard box amidst the tulips - that was Daddy's solution to choosing a hotel).  With a giant hole in the family schedule, and NorthernMommy's compulsion to see new things, the search was on to find a replacement trip.  When Mommy picks a destination, she goes on the principle of "the weirder, the better". If she can travel to a location that is new to her, that's even better. This time, she picked WaterFire in Providence, Rhode Island.
Now, when NorthernMommy proposed this trip, she started by asking, "Who wants to drive five hours to Providence and see something cool?" NorthernDaddy and Toddler just looked at each other and stayed silent. With no takers on that offer, Mommy tried a different tack. "Who wants to see a river set on fire?" Two hands shot up in the air, "We do!"  Two boys in the house - are you kidding? Of course we want to see fire!

WaterFire Providence is what the Northerns went to see. More than eighty bonfires artfully arranged in the rivers at the center of the city. Worth the trip. (Worth five hours of driving, a hotel stay, and staying up late!)

Rhode Island's state capitol building - across the street from the hotel. Nice.
 A daytime "before" shot - those braziers are each holding about thirty pieces of firewood. Gonna be awesome....!
 NorthernDaddy picked the dinner joint from the hotel guide book. It turned out to be the best burger that he has ever had. Start with the bottom hamburger bun, place an onion ring on it, and stack a beef patty, pulled barbecue pork, cheese, barbecue sauce, another onion ring, and the top bun on it. Un-hinge your jaw and enjoy life to the fullest.
The Northerns found a good spot to see the lighting (after a five hour drive, they aren't about to miss it!) and settled in as the crowds swelled and darkness crept in. Let's see some fire!!!! 

 Pictures don't do this event justice. Roaring bonfires all up and down the river, smelling the burning cedar and oak, feeling the warmth reaching out from the fires - it's quite the experience...
The fires are lit around 8:30 and burn until 11 or midnight. The braziers are refilled with wood as needed to keep the flames burning high. It's fun to watch the restocking procedure. There are six big utility boats (whalers) that have been painted flat black. As they glide through the fires, all that can be seen is the running lights and black-clad figures tossing wood on the flames. Totally surreal - totally cool.

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