Tuesday, July 10, 2012

New Method of Discipline

NorthernDaddy was in line at the grocery store checkout when a woman caught his eye. There was nothing especially attention-grabbing about this woman; it was just that she had suddenly come to a stop as she was rounding the corner into an aisle. She had a full cart of groceries and was trailed by two children (approximately five and eight years old), who bumped into her as a result of the quick stop. This woman - obviously the mother, judging by the fed-up expression on her face (NorthernMommy wears the look often...) - backed her cart up and turned to the front of the store. As she headed for the checkout lines, she simply said, "No bacon."  Her voice was calm and level, she made no threats, and as the older boy began to protest, she just looked at him. He shut right up.

NorthernDaddy thought about that for quite some time. What an effective parenting/discipline technique that could be. See, everyone loves bacon. NorthernToddler would sell his grandma for bacon. (Sorry grandmas!) How awesomely wonderful it would be to turn to a crazy, frothing-at-the-mouth Toddler and just say, "That's it - no bacon."

NorthernDaddy thinks that would work great! 

(Fashion Boy. Broke the lenses out of sunglasses - wears them anyway.)

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