Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Music Videos

Most of this blog's readers know that there is no television in the Northern household. Physically, yes, there is a TV upstairs with a DVD player hooked up for watching the random movie, and there is a computer for streaming a show or two, but nothing is watched regularly. NorthernMommy watches maybe two shows per week and NorthernDaddy feels that he has wasted enough of his life in front of the idiot box (but he'll watch snippets of "Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition" if Mommy has it on when he's doing the dishes. That show's inspirational.) NorthernToddler? Toddler would sit in front of a screen for hours and watch Dora or Sesame Street or just about anything that is on. He is kept away from the TV as much as possible to prevent the development of the Thousand-Yard Stare/Brain Rot.
Because of the no-television leanings in the Northern household, Toddler hasn't been exposed to very many (if any) music videos. He got a glimpse of Eric Church's video for the song "Homeboy", where the title character lives a rough life, is arrested, and eventually returns to the farm where he was raised. The expression below is Toddler's reaction the video....
 After the bazillion questions that "Homeboy" generated, NorthernDaddy decided to switch over to Dave Matthews Band - less questions, more rocking.
Twelve seconds into the video for "You Might Die Trying", Toddler ran off to grab his guitar. NorthernDaddy cranked the volume and he and Toddler danced and played guitar and sang along. It was a high-energy, rocking-loud good time...

...until NorthernMommy came home from her run to announce that she could "hear the music clear across the street and what kind of crazy are you two?"

1 comment:

Iris said...

I had to look both of those videos up - guess I'm just hopelessly out of it - before I knew what you were talking about!