Sunday, June 17, 2012

Poisoning NorthernMommy

One of the first things that NorthernMommy's future in-laws learned about her was this: NorthernMommy cannot tolerate "instant" mashed potatoes from a box. They're fake! It's not right! Those aren't mashed potatoes, they're not even potatoes - it's poison! I won't eat them!

One of the first things that happened to NorthernMommy after she married NorthernDaddy was that she was assigned the post of Official Potato Masher at family meals. Her mother-in-law even presented NorthernMommy with a shiny new potato masher tool to help in the job.

When NorthernDaddy was planning the meals for last week, he decided that he wanted mashed potatoes to go with the grilled chicken he was planning. Now, it's busy at NorthernDaddy's work this time of year. When he gets home, there isn't a whole lot of time to peel and chop and boil potatoes and then smoosh them all up with butter and milk. (NorthernMommy doesn't cook during the week. Daddy's rules - whole 'nother story.) Since NorthernDaddy does the grocery shopping, it was easy enough to slip some poison into the cart:
If one looks at the ingredients, there is not much more than dehydrated potatoes in the box. No rat poison or growth-stunting syrup that might make them bad for eating. So, NorthernDaddy made them up for dinner, and NorthernMommy ate them without complaint.
It looks like NorthernDaddy is paving the way to easier holiday dinners...
Oops! NorthernDaddy always has Mommy check over the blog entries before he posts to make sure that he doesn't post 'bad' things. She checked this one and, somewhere in the middle of the waving arms rant that is still going on an hour later, NorthernDaddy is catching bits of phrases like "didn't like them one bit" and "didn't fool me" and "bit my tongue and kept quiet"..... Guess that the mashed potatoes will be 100% authentic and hand-made at Thanksgiving.....

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