Friday, June 8, 2012

Chick Update

A quick update on the new layer flock: the six chicks are now residing in the coop. They're segregated in their own pen to protect them from the four old ladies already living there - kind of a "get to know you" introduction to the established flock. After a few days or a week of letting the chickens get used to seeing each other, the six young'uns will be turned out into general population for a proper hazing and setting of the pecking order.

The real good news in this is that for the first time in a few months, there are no animals living in the garage. First it was the ducklings, and then the chicks. NorthernDaddy has been parking outside for way too long.(Or, just maybe, there are too many stinkin animals running around here!) He has an ulterior motive in pushing the chicks out to the coop: once all animals are out of NorthernMommy's side of the garage, the garage door opener can be fixed. Once the garage door opener is fixed, NorthernMommy can get out of Daddy's side of the garage and start parking on her side again. Once that happens, NorthernDaddy can start using his side of the garage for important things like working on his truck!

The animals are out, the plan is in motion. NorthernDaddy shall reclaim his garage space in short order!

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