Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Boo Boo Incident

Yesterday, NorthernToddler bumped into another child at preschool. By "bumped into", we mean that he darn near knocked the head off of the poor little girl that he hit. We can only assume that, because there was a Boo Boo Incident Report in Toddler's cubby when Daddy picked him up. Now, neither NorthernMommy or Daddy has ever seen a Boo Boo Incident Report before. Didn't even know that they existed. Judging by some of the war wounds and battle scars that he's been sent home with in the past, this collision must have been colossal if it prompted a report!

One of the teachers was kind enough to explain what happened and assured us that the other child was okay. On the way home, NorthernDaddy was debriefing Toddler on the incident when Toddler told him how the accident happened: Toddler was trying to find out how fast he could run with his eyes shut. 

Can you imagine if NorthernMommy and Daddy had to fill out one of these forms every time an 'incident' occurred at home? There wouldn't be enough time in the day to do anything else!

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