Sunday, May 27, 2012

NorthernDaddy Gets Crafty

Now, by looking at the title of this post, I know that many readers are expecting another post about duct-taping Toddler to the bed or some other inventive solution that Daddy has come up with to deal with the craziness of Toddler. Not so. This post is about Pinterest.

For those not in the know, just go to and check it out. It's a great big virtual pinboard for all kinds of ideas. It's fun, it's informative, and it's dangerous. Dangerous because it gives non-crafty people the notion that they just might be able to do some of the things pinned to the site.

NorthernDaddy has been seeing a whole lot of things being made out of pallets. Plain old shipping pallets are being transformed into coffee tables, headboards, planters and all sorts of things. Now, Daddy has access to tons of pallets. They are a mainstay of the work that he does. He's not too interested in playing with pallets outside of work, but when he came across a small shipping crate in his warehouse racks, he knew that there was a pinterest-style project hiding in there somewhere.

Recycle one shipping crate, staple in some landscape fabric as liners, and add flowers and soil. That's all there is to it. (It helps that NorthernMommy was suitably impressed by Daddy's craftiness!)

(Hopefully, the flowers will fill out the planter some more and we can share a daylight photo with y'all - this project was completed at night after Toddler was asleep so that he couldn't "help"!)

1 comment:

Iris said...

Very nice...and trendy! I saw a designer on HGTV use one for a photo display.