Thursday, May 10, 2012

Need A Caption

This photo needs a caption...
-"Has anybody seen my snack?"

- Yogi Bear Toddler gets his head stuck in yet another picnic basket..."I'm smarter than the average bear!"

-"A pen? Yep - hold on just a sec..."

-"Hold on buddy, let me get the dynamite and we can blast that thing right off there...."

--NorthernDaddy is sure that our readers can come up with something better-- let's hear them.


The Virginia Jeeper said...

-"Daddy took his shoes off! Aughh!"

-"There just HAS to be something made out of processed sugar in this house!"

-"My name is NorthernToddler and I have a problem....I'm a Bruins fan."

-"What? Mommy is putting soup in the blender again?! Take cover!"

Dan said...

"This is how Daddy says to catch a Snipe"

"Daddy said there were french fries in here but I think he was kidding"

"Now that we have the Whisper Close, this is how I am going to pee all the time!"

and my favorite - "Now I'm ready to video chat with Grandma and Papa"