Thursday, February 9, 2012

Normal is a Relative Term

NorthernMommy and Daddy think that they are fairly normal people. They were raised right, taught about societal norms, and are generally well-behaved and sane. Just plain normal.

NorthernToddler has started to change this household's definition of 'normal'. He's done some unusual things. Actually, he's done some absolutely insane things. Seeing NorthernToddler stroll through the kitchen naked with only his slippers and a pair of pink bunny ears wouldn't faze Mommy or Daddy a bit.  

NorthernDaddy has come to expect truly odd things to happen at any time. That's the new 'normal'. Therefore, NorthernToddler's most recent role didn't even raise an eyebrow.

Ladies and Gentleman, we present the: 

Pirate Goaler!

The only thing that gives NorthernDaddy pause is the thought of being keelhauled if he scores a goal on NorthernToddler-Pirate-Goalie.

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