Monday, February 13, 2012


Our dear NorthernToddler has his moments when it comes to obedience. Most days, he's good at following instruction - he does insane things, acts crazy, and drives his Momma nuts - but NorthernMommy and Daddy can usually get him to do what is needed.

Some days, Toddler gets to tearing around and being a little too 'Toddlerish'. NorthernMommy tells him "his brain has left his head". Those days are tough, because there is very little that one can do to reign in the monster. Time Out? Toddler won't stay there - you end up dragging him back to Time Out a dozen times. Spanking? Between the padding of his jeans and his general toughness (he jumps off the sofa onto his head for fun, remember?), you'd wear out your arm before spanking worked. NorthernMommy and Daddy have read through a ton of "practical parenting advice", and there are days that nothing works. It's so bad that they sometimes consider giving up and letting Toddler run wild for the day instead of having to deal with him because nothing works. Have you gotten that yet?  Nothing works! NorthernDaddy was at that point this afternoon. Common-sense reasoning wasn't working. Time out wasn't working. Nothing....was....working....


NorthernDaddy noticed something as he was hauling Toddler back to the Time Out chair for the seventh time. Just looked over and there it was:

The Hockey Puck.

(Lightbulb goes on in head.)

That's it! Take the hockey puck away from Toddler! That'll work brilliantly!

It did work - Toddler became an instant angel as soon as he lost the puck for a day.


(And when Daddy threatened to also take the hockey sticks, Toddler volunteered to start doing his chores! NorthernDaddy loves hockey season!) 

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