Saturday, October 22, 2011

Gag Me With a Spoon - Like Totally!

NorthernToddler and NorthernDaddy couldn't go outside and play today because of the rain, so a trip to Echo was suggested. Toddler instantly agreed - because the current exhibit is Grossology, and NorthernMommy won't go to see that with him.
Operation - Bigger than life-size. NorthernToddler still buzzes out on every item.
Stated so much more politely than one normally sees...
 This guy scared out of NorthernToddler. He's an animated faucet that explains what happens when you have a runny nose. He seemed harmless enough to NorthernDaddy, but any time that Daddy made a move towards the exhibit to get a closer look, Toddler screamed and cried like he was dying. (Loudly enough and long enough to cause concern among other museum patrons and the staff. Thanks, Buddy.) For a few moments there, it seemed as if Mr.FaucetHead was going to scare Toddler so much that we would have our own personal version of Grossology going on in Toddler's shorts....

Toddler cut short the tour through Grossology and headed upstairs to see his favorites - the turtles, frogs, and water table. He also made a few new friends: Newton, the mascot for the Echo Center and Monty the Moose, a mascot for the Vermont Childrens' Hospital.
Dancing with a newt!
Pleased to meet you, Mr. Moose, sir.

Apparently, these two were the hit of the day for Toddler - he spent the rest of the day talking about them. He's racking up quite the list of mascot friends: Champ (Lake Monsters), Rally (UVM), Newt (ECHO), and Monty (VT Childrens' Hospital). NorthernDaddy is thinking that Toddler needs to be introduced to Slapshot (Washington Capitals) - if Toddler is going to have mascots as friends, he ought to at least know the one from the best hockey team!

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