Monday, October 17, 2011

Dinner Celebration

A few posts back, faithful readers saw a photo essay of NorthernToddler protesting the *glop* that he was served for dinner. Today,we have the flip side of the coin.
The dinner being enjoyed? Pasta. Made at home by NorthernDaddy. The Northerns attempted to make pasta once before, with disastrous results. (NorthernMommy brought home gluten-free flour. Bad idea...) The Northerns did a basic web search and quickly learned that gluten is a necessity in making pasta - so they tried again. On the second attempt, NorthernDaddy got it right and the Northerns learned that home-made pasta is so much better than dried store-bought: it tastes better and has a better texture. For a few pennies in ingredients (eggs and flour) and a few minutes of work in the kitchen (maybe thirty total - ten for forming/kneading the dough and twenty for rolling out and cutting), the result is spectacular.
(And it makes NorthernToddler happy!)

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