Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Graphic Image Below!
(No, seriously - NorthernDaddy knows that NorthernToddler is okay, and the picture still bothers me...)

NorthernToddler went boom last night. Actually, it was such a horrific crash that we should say he went kablammo last night.


As NorthernMommy and Daddy prepared dinner, NorthernToddler was playing in the kitchen. By 'playing', we mean "running around all crazy like a psycho hamster on PCP." At one point, NorthernToddler started to spin in circles, and after a few rounds, his feet slipped out from under him. Straight down to the floor he went - leading with his face. There was a loud THUD, and then silence. A long silence - count with me: one..........two........three........four...(Dear Lord, is he gonna be alright?)......five.........six...and then the wailing erupted and the blood started flowing and the baby was scooped up and the parents tried to stay calm as the tears poured into snot and mixed with blood and covered the cuts and baby screamed and twisted and turned his head refusing to let anyone look at or touch his face to try and assess the wounds. Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm.....wait are we talking to NorthernToddler or ourselves?....stay calm. Get the bleeding slowed down and we can go from there. Looks like a deep gash to his cheek and a nasty double cut through his lip. Dang it - still can't see anything with him screeching and bleeding.


Since NorthernToddler wouldn't let us touch his lip with anything, and we couldn't see through the blood pouring out of his mouth, the only thing that we could come up with was to ask Little Man to take a sip of water and spit it into the bathtub. Apparently, that was an unusual enough request to get him to stop crying and give it a try. As usual, NorthernToddler did things his own way: he took a big sip of water from the cup, swallowed it, and then leaned over the tub and said, "ptooey" as he 'spit' out air.....Two cycles of that, and NorthernMommy and Daddy were laughing so hard that Toddler started to grin too, and then let us get a closer look at his face.

He's not pretty, but with the bandage covering the crater in his cheek, and the lip not dripping blood too badly, he looks like he'll survive. We were a little worried about the cuts, but it appears that they aren't too deep, and will heal over if we give them some time. We were close to heading to the ER, but we got the bleeding stopped, and there are no signs of infection (even a day later), so we think he'll be fine. Less than an hour after the crash, NorthernToddler was back at his normal self - trying to set things up for a few mighty launches off of the sofa....

This is what he face-planted on. It's a wooden toy train piece. Note that Toddler smashed it with his face hard enough to crack a wheel and remove it from the axle.


Unknown said...

Oh poor baby - hope he is feeling better.


Heather said...

Poor Levi! Glad to hear he's well enough to enjoy that ice cream, though! (Course, ice cream does make everything better.)