Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Umpteenth Ear Infection/Tiger Pics

As you might guess from the title of this blog entry, NorthernToddler currently has yet another ear infection. We've actually lost count as to how many ear infection episodes that we've been through by now - we think it might be number nine. The good news is that the doc says the tubes (second set) are still in place and draining (draining a lot - yuck!) and the prescribed antibiotic seems to be helping reduce the infection (and, combined with the whatever-brand-it-is-that-we're-using-now-since-Tylenol-messed-up-their-infant-drops-and-ticked-off-millions-of-parents-making-us-buy-another-brand pain reliever/fever reducer) and letting NorthernToddler sleep a little bit tonight.
Hopefully, NorthernToddler will be well on the road to recovery by morning, and we'll be back to our normal, not-wanting-winter-to-be-here-yet family routine. (This morning, the water in the watering font out in the chicken coop was frozen solid. Guess it's time to think about installing the font heater/thermostatically controlled outlet setup that we're going to use this winter....)
Enough of the sickness and chickens, right?! Faithful readers want to see photos of NorthernToddler in his Halloween costume, right?
Cutest tiger cub ever..... Bet you've never seen an accordion-playing tiger....

(Before we get any reader email, NorthernDaddy is aware that he has set the as-yet-unofficial world record for the use of hyphenated phrases. Thank you...)

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