Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

NorthernMommy and Daddy are tired of being in the car. NorthernToddler wants to get back into the car - not because he likes being strapped into his rocket seat, but because he has determined that the more seat time he puts in, the more French Fries he gets to eat. It's basic toddler math: x (hours seat time) + y (minutes of good behavior) - z (episodes of whining) = n (ounces of French Fries).

To give an example of this formula in use, consider how NorthernDaddy calculated one lunch stop: five hours of seat time (x), plus three hours of good behavior (y), minus twenty-seven episodes of whining (z), equals 2.5 oz of French Fries (n) (a small order to go with his happy meal).


Same lunch stop, calculated by NorthernToddler: five hours of seat time (x), plus three hours of good behavior (y), minus twenty-seven episodes of whining (z), equals 2.5 oz of French Fries with his Happy Meal plus half of Mommy's chicken sandwich plus all of the fries that fell to the bottom of the bag plus half of Daddy's fries....and can you go get more ketchup for me?
We started the Thanksgiving festivities at Grandpa's house, where NorthernToddler finally had a chance to unleash his crazy-cool skateboard skills. Yes, NorthernMommy and Daddy are aware that he is going to fall down going to break something. (He's already fallen down a bazillion times - both from general stumbles and from skateboarding.) We're not going to prevent him from playing with a skateboard because he just goes and uses something else as a skateboard. (He spent two hours last week jumping all over a flat piece of cardboard and telling NorthernDaddy that it was a skateboard.)

Thanksgiving morning at Grandma's introduced Toddler to the wonders of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. It was quite a show (note the photo of NorthernToddler below - he's saying two things here; #1: "Hey, look! They have a TV!!", and #2: "Look at all of these things - what are they?!").

NorthernDaddy's atrocious pool shooting is not improved by the addition of a three-foot-tall "helper".

Nintendo Wii is not a game for "old" people to attempt to play.

Wii is intended for the younger crowd - witness the Toddler bowling a strike!

After Thanksgiving, the NorthernClan drove five hours into New York State to watch the (hold on, lemme get this right)...NikeCrossNationals Northeast Regional XC Championships. The team that NorthernMommy helps coach won second place and earned a trip to the Nike National XC Championships.
NorthernToddler saw the time between races as an opportunity to climb tall things and play on the swingset.

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