Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wait! We're Not Ready Yet!....

It snowed last night in NorthernToddlerLand.
Not a lot of snow - just enough heavy, wet snow to cover the lawn.
It seems as if the snow starts falling earlier every year....if we remember correctly, last year the first snow didn't fall until the last week of October. If we continue with this trend, by the time NorthernToddler is a NorthernPreTeen(ugh...don't even want to think of that!), it will be snowing in August!

When we showed this picture to NorthernToddler, he said, "Uh-oh, snow on the pumpkin!" - and went back to playing with his blocks...wait until he's old enough to shovel snow off the drive...he'll dislike the first snowfall as much as the rest of us!

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