Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday Cleaning Chores

It's an inside kind of Saturday in NorthernBaby territory. It's really windy - the word would be 'blustery' - and a little on the cool side (meaning: the Northern clan is not acclimated to the fall temperatures yet. In fact, we are still wishing that summer was here with the attendant sunny days and warm weather. But don't you worry; we will adjust by the first snowfall and will soon be telling tales of cross-country skiing in t-shirts or showing photos of us walking in two feet of snow with shorts on or participating in a Penguin Plunge....all of the crazy things that Vermonters do.) (Um...correction: I've been told that only the transplants to Vermont do "dumbass, idiotic, stupid things outside in winter - you moron. Old-time Vermonters stay inside by the woodstove all winter....")


Anyway, with two members of the Northern clan deciding to stay in for the day (NorthernMommy is outside in the cold at a cross-country meet.), there was some cleaning to be done.


Start by scouring the oven.
Clogged potties require immediate attention.

Don't for a moment believe that NorthernToddler is actually helping to vacuum the floor. While NorthernDaddy was running the sweeper on the carpet, NorthernToddler was in his room, screaming like Lindsay Lohan at a detox center. He doesn't like the vacuum. As soon as someone mentions that they're going to vacuum the living room, NorthernToddler runs and shuts himself in his room (say, that would be a good way to get some quiet time around here...!). As soon as the sweeper is turned off, you can hear a bedroom door swing open and the sound of a charging buffalo. Around the corner comes a two-year-old intent on helping put the vacuum away. He loves to roll the thing to the guest room 'where it sleeps'.


Laundry time

(NorthernMommy asked why our boy was wearing safety glasses in these photos. Well, we put them on for the oven cleaning, and NorthernToddler wouldn't take them off for the rest of the day.)


The Virginia Jeeper said...

I love that Levi has donned the complete protective gear outfit to unclog the potty! Kudos to the great Lindsay Lohan reference!

Heather said...

That's what I like to see: NB earning his keep. Leah does the same (Swiffering the floors, chucking trash). Gotta start 'em young.