Saturday, October 16, 2010

TCP and Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs Add Up is a new book by Margery Cuyler. Doesn't ring a bell? Didn't with the NorthernClan either. The illustrator's name, however, does spark a memory. Tracey Campbell Pearson (WHERE DOES JOE GO? and BOB) drew the pictures in this book about guinea pigs.
The Jericho Community Center hosted a Guinea Pig Event today - a reading of the new book and a whole bunch of activities: guinea pig masks, guinea pig cookie decorating, guinea pig hats, and the favorite - guinea pig face painting. (Not painting actual guinea pig faces, but painting kids' faces to look like guinea pigs...)
Of course, we had to buy a copy of the book - and stood in line to have it signed by the author, um...the illustrator.

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