Wednesday, July 21, 2010


It is NorthernDaddy's unpleasant duty to inform our readers that "Guy", NorthernToddler's pet rabbit, died earlier this evening.
NorthernToddler accepted the news well - he's two, and knows nothing of death yet. When we came home and found that the rabbit was not alive, we moved NorthernToddler past the cage and into another room. That didn't keep him from pointing towards the cage and asking, "Why is Guy laying down?...Why Guy down?...." That's when we had to tell him that his bunny had died: "You know how Guy has been sick? Well, he didn't get better and he's died." And that kicked off a short conversation about how Guy wouldn't be there any more.
NorthernMommy is saddened.
NorthernDaddy is also saddened - after having a bunny dropped into his life unexpectedly, and finding that he quickly became attached to the fuzzy little freeloader, it was a sad thing to find that the bunny is gone. This wasn't totally unexpected: Guy was sick. It seemed that he was getting better - right up until we found him tonight. Guy was buried in a pretty area near the tractor shed (so he can run in spirit with the wild rabbits in NorthernMommy's garden).
While we are sad, we do look forward to finding another bunny to share our home. We are researching local breeders and also looking at going the rescue/shelter route. We're looking for a healthy rabbit that has been properly weaned from its mother, and of course, he/she has to be cute! We'll be sure to keep y'all posted if we find one.


The Virginia Jeeper said...

A moment of silence for Guy.

I vote the next bunny be named "Buddy". Buddy the Bunny.

NorthernBaby said...

The next bunny will be named whatever NorthernBaby declares he will be named. That said, I hope he isn't having a bad day when it's time to name the next bunny - I don't want a rabbit named No!No!No!No!...........