Monday, July 12, 2010

New Addition to the Zoo

I checked my voicemail before getting on the bike to come home, and there's a message from NorthernMommy. We get fuzzy cell phone reception at the warehouse, so I heard bits and pieces; "You know I'm impulsive...., remember I love you......, we'll talk when you get home...."
Well, isn't that the kind of thing you want to hear? Knowing NorthernMommy as I do, I was sure that there was something new living at our house. Knowing NorthernMommy like I do, there was no telling what our new resident was. Did we have a kitten? More chickens? A goat, alpaca, rabbit, goldfish, or a puppy? (Pretty sure it wasn't a puppy...NorthernMommy is against having a dog.)
I pulled into the drive and found a bale of hay in the spot where my motorcycle gets parked. Grrrrrrrrr......not a good start for whatever critter is in my house. I tossed the bale outside, parked the bike, and walked into the house to find this:

That's right, we have a bunny rabbit now. What breed is it? Don't know. Is it a buck or doe? Don't know. How much did it cost? It was know that farm up in the islands where....Don't care. We're going away this weekend - who's taking care of the baby bunny? Cxxxxxxx is (she took care of the chickens while we were in Michigan). You know I have to make a cage for this bunny, right? ------- So, now I get to make a cage for a rabbit. This is why we don't have TV: there is plenty to do around here, and the list grows daily!

And, according to NorthernToddler, this bunny shall be called 'Guy'.

Hmmph. Welcome to the insane asylum, Guy.


inadvertent farmer said... least it wasn't a camel!

It took him month to build a 'cage' for the big guy!

Enjoy he/she is darling...Kim

Heather said...

I certainly can't blame NorthernMommy from adopting Guy; he's adorable!