I checked my voicemail before getting on the bike to come home, and there's a message from NorthernMommy. We get fuzzy cell phone reception at the warehouse, so I heard bits and pieces; "You know I'm impulsive...., remember I love you......, we'll talk when you get home...."
Well, isn't that the kind of thing you want to hear? Knowing NorthernMommy as I do, I was sure that there was something new living at our house. Knowing NorthernMommy like I do, there was no telling what our new resident was. Did we have a kitten? More chickens? A goat, alpaca, rabbit, goldfish, or a puppy? (Pretty sure it wasn't a puppy...NorthernMommy is against having a dog.)
I pulled into the drive and found a bale of hay in the spot where my motorcycle gets parked. Grrrrrrrrr......not a good start for whatever critter is in my house. I tossed the bale outside, parked the bike, and walked into the house to find this:
And, according to NorthernToddler, this bunny shall be called 'Guy'.
Hmmph. Welcome to the insane asylum, Guy.
ROFL...at least it wasn't a camel!
It took him month to build a 'cage' for the big guy!
Enjoy he/she is darling...Kim
I certainly can't blame NorthernMommy from adopting Guy; he's adorable!
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