Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Photos from the Road

If any of our readers were wondering why it's been weeks since this blog has been updated, it's because NorthernToddler was on the road! Our journey took us through remote Canadian forests (when your navigator looks up from the map and comments, "there's nothing to our north - no towns and no roads"......that's when you know you're way out in the middle of nowhere!), through several border crossings, and all along the Great Lakes, with stops in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Niagara Falls, and the Thousand Islands region of New York.
It was a lot of driving, a lot of family bonding time, and a whole lot of fun! We saw a lot of new things, learned some stuff, and took a few pictures - the 'little' camera came home with 170 photos, while the DSLR finished the trip with more than 460 pictures on its memory card. That's the second reason that this blog hasn't been updated sooner - just before we left on the trip, we realized that our hard drive was full (so that's what the pop-up meant when it said that we had 307MB left out of 80GB!). We are now backed up by 1TB of supplemental storage - we should be able to hold a few hundred thousand more photo files now!
Of all the driving that we did, all the places we went, and all the things we saw, this is my favorite....
Niagara Falls in the background can't begin to compare....
I'm planning on posting details about NorthernToddler's NorthernTrip in a little while - after I sort through the hundreds of pictures and decide how to write up seven adventure-filled days.
For now, here are two pics from our stop at Boldt Castle.

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