Monday, September 7, 2009

Photo Odds and Ends

The NorthernBaby doesn't have any fun stories or grand adventures to share with our readers this week - only some photos to share with you.
Below is a photo taken at sunset of the harbor in Burlington. Some readers may recognize the sailboat as a picture they've seen before. Well, that fella moors his boat in the same spot every year, so I take photos of it as the conditions change. ( I almost think that the city of Burlington pays this guy to moor there just for tourist photo opportunities - this boat never moves!)Pony rides at the Fair - Grandpa Prue really wanted to ride the ponies, but Levi fussed enough that Grandpa gave up his spot so that Levi could ride! Notice that our fearless cowboy has one hand in the air - he's ready for the rodeo! (In fact, about ten seconds into the ride, he started looking around with an expression of, "I've ridden this thing for eight seconds - where in the hell is the bell?!")

This one's for Uncle A/C! (I deleted the photo of the Deere so as not to hurt anyone's feelings....)

Sandbox? Not at our Fair! We have a gen-u-ine CORN box!

Backlit for dramatic effect - NB/T in a rare moment of stillnes at the Stowe concert.


No fire trucks to play on at the UJFD fund raiser. (C'mon guys - you're a fire department. You have fire TRUCKS. You were there, the trucks were not!) Very disappointed. Almost so disappointed that I didn't stop to play on the Humvee. I said 'almost' - I'm not going to pass up a chance to get up and personal with a cool military vehicle (well, I did pass on enlisting, so I gave up the chance once...). Here NB/T attempts to turn every knob, switch, and lever in sight.

Tradition - gotta steal a lug nut....

Happy Picture of the Week - Northern Mommy's garden


The Virginia Jeeper said...

Nice composition on the sailboat picture.

The little guy is just too cute!

Kevin said...

Using dried corn instead of sand seems like a great idea to me. Much easier on the cleanup, I would think. Or how about coffee beans! No need for air fresheners .. but are wild animals attracted by coffee beans?