Sunday, September 27, 2009

Apple Picking

Last weekend, we went on a short apple picking expedition. Well, not really an expedition: there are just short of a million PYO (Pick Your Own) operations within spitting distance of our house, so it was more leisurely jaunt than a true expedition. (And after picking the apples, NorthernMommy made up some apple crisp - and then we ate it all in about twenty minutes. The resulting sugar coma is why we're posting a week late...!)

Levi was all gung-ho about picking apples...."just point out some of the lower hanging ones for me, Mommy!" You can see below that he believes in the full-body tackle mode for removing apples from the tree. Daddy hoists little man towards the upper branches...

Compare the previous photo with the picture below: the lower one was taken on last year's apple picking outing - almost a year to the day. Can you believe how little he was?! (He was a heck of a lot lighter to carry around then, too! At least he's walking/running on his own now.)
A moment of repose. Or maybe digging for worms. Either way, we don't care: he wasn't running all over the place - we're all about moments of stillness - love 'em! (even though they're usually only 'moments'- NorthernToddler doesn't stay still for long; too much to see and do!)

To the victor go the spoils...after a fierce battle with the orchard, Levi muches on the plunder. (And, yes, he ate the whole thing - stem, core and seeds, everything....even though we tried to tell him not to eat the core)

Needs a haircut and a face scrubbing, but he's still our adorable Northern Baby.

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