Saturday, September 19, 2009

Last Sunday, we had lunch with another family in our church at their house.(It's Northern Mommy's fault - she's making friends. If it was up to Northern Daddy, we woulda had some nice grilled cheese followed by a nap...) Our new friends live waaayyy out in Westford. I know you don't know where that is, but trust me when I say it's out there. Technically only fifteen miles north of our house, but in the middle of farmland that is itself in the middle of nowhere! That said, I liked how far out their house is - less people to annoy you!
We had a tasty lunch, and got to talk and check out the homestead. There was a horse and pony to see, chickens to chase around the barnyard, and a great big old tractor to sit on. Look! Pumpkins!

This picture isn't related to the ones above, but I just can't resist posting a picture of a grinning Northern Baby/Toddler!

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