Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Shoulda Gotten a Puppy

I guess that Levi was slightly peeved that I was gone from the house for two days. I arrived home from the grocery store to find the contents of my carry-on bag strewn all across the floor. (Maybe he figures that if my bag's not packed, I can't leave?!)
I'm not going to post up the pictures of the whole mess (I'll bet at least one of you out there could just turn around and look at your own floor to see the kind of mess he made...), just some of the cuter ones. We have to be sure to give Northern Mommy a huge thank-you for snapping pics of Levi's work instead of preventing him from redecorating the living room.....
Here is our little angel easing himself into my suitcase to make it easier to toss things:Hey, look!-more socks to toss!

Have to admit that Northern Baby isn't always a pint-sized pain-in-the-butt....here's a cute one of him enjoying a flower.

I've got Daddy's hat, hahahha!!!

Just finishing mowing the back forty...(hey Uncle Jeremy - look - it's an Allis!)

Greeting an oncoming Harley rider...
(Disclaimer for Grandma: No Northern Babies actually went for a ride on a motorcycle during the composing of this photograph. Northern Baby voluntarily approached the motorcycle and indicated a strong desire to be hoisted to the tank. While there, he was supported at all times by a responsible adult (well, okay, it was Daddy, but still....). Northern Baby was not allowed to start the engine or put the bike into gear (but he honked the horn and gave the throttle grip a few good twists!). Northern Baby still has a deep-seated fear of crazy things like motorcycles and skydiving and circus clowns. Northern Mommy has stated that he is not allowed to get his very own motorcycle (yeah...banning motorcycles didn't work for you, did it?!). So, there should be no worries that your grandchild will turn into a motorcycle rider. No worries at all....Levi is a nice, calm little boy who only wants to read quietly and help with the gardening...............

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hmmmm, looks like NB and Leah have something in common: a love of HD. Scott's said it's time for Leah to get back on the motorcycle. After all, she hasn't been on since her second week home...