Thursday, September 18, 2014

So Very Vermont

This showed up in NorthernDaddy's refrigerator no so long ago...
Maple-flavored milk. Let it be said again... M A P L E flavored milk. NorthernDaddy had never seen this stuff until he found it parked in his fridge. Seemed kind of weird, but then again, NorthernDaddy should not have been too surprised that in the land of maple syrup, maple candy, maple ice cream, maple granola, maple applesauce, and even maple vodka, that there would be maple-flavored milk.
In true Vermont fashion, this milk was organic (from grass-grazed cows) and flavored by organic maple syrup (one might argue that all maple syrup is organic).
Gotta love Vermont.
Thinking about it, with all of the dairy farms and sugar houses in the state, the only thing that could be more "Vermont-y" than maple milk would be a grizzled old flannel-wearing farmer using his rusty tractor to pull a stuck Subaru out of a rutted dirt road during Mud Season.
NorthernDaddy just hopes that the farmer is enjoying a glass of maple-flavored milk while he does it....

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