Sunday, July 27, 2014

Swimming Hole

The Northerns have been using this tired old kiddie pool in the duck run for years. It's not suited for the job and is in poor shape. Time for a replacement.
One hundred and ten gallon stock tank; four times the capacity of the kiddie pool.
The salesman that helped NorthernDaddy toss it up on the roof didn't even bat an eye - he said it wasn't even close to the weirdest thing he's loaded. (That honor would go to the roto-tiller he strapped to a pallet and forklifted to the roof of a Volkswagen Beetle!)
 Needed some pressure-treated lumber in six and four-foot lengths. Problem - Lowes sells pressure treated in a minimum of twelve feet. Solved - take a tape measure and hand saw and cut to length in the parking lot! Four hundred and fifty pounds of gravel just fits into the trunk (and jams the struts to the bump stops).
NorthernDaddy is getting better at digging. He used to hate digging; now he only severely dislikes it.
 The design concept was to position the pool, surround it with stone (to hopefully cut down on mud in the pool), and build a ramp for the ducks to enter the pool. The ramp is covered with hardware cloth - the theory being that the grass will grow up through the holes, allowing the ducks to eat the top of the grass without digging up the roots or turning the area into a mud pit.

 So there you have it - NorthernDaddy's newest duck house improvement.
So far, the ducks (who have a deep distrust of anything new) have refused to use the ramp or the pool...

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