Friday, December 20, 2013


 The rink is marked out! Right after the New Year and NorthernDaddy's inventory at work, construction begins. The rink is going bigger (just a few feet bigger than last year) - to 20 x 32. It's farther back in the yard - flatter land. There will be all-new plywood for the sides, and new liner is going in. The local water hauling company will fill it up for $200. (NorthernDaddy is still trying to justify the cost: have it filled up in twenty minutes for a whole lot of money, or save the money and fill it with the hose..for four days?)
Can you see the stakes and line marking off the rink?
Won't be long before you see regular posts from NorthernDaddy on the Joys and Importance of Rink Surfacing!

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