Sunday, December 29, 2013


NorthernDaddy would like to let everyone in on a secret: Calm is an illusion in the Northern household. (If you know LittleNortherner, maybe it's not so much of a secret...)
NorthernMommy got a gift for Christmas that consisted of a candle holder and three scented candles. The scents are: Vanilla, Lavender, and Sandalwood. The idea that Yankee Candle sells is that the three candles are burned at the same time, and the fragrance that fills the air is supposed to create an atmosphere of "calm". Sounds wonderful, right?
NorthernMommy vacated the premises just before dinner time. Something about having to go help with the youth group at church. (Dang - NorthernDaddy is going to have to volunteer for something soon - just to get away from Little...) So, without NorthernMommy providing backup at dinner, NorthernDaddy decided to create an aura of calm around the dinner table by lighting the candles. (If the scent doesn't calm the child, maybe he'll be mesmerized by the flame.)
As you can see, the candles are merrily flickering away - and infusing the kitchen with a pleasing mix of vanilla, lavender, and does sandalwood smell like? Anyway, the glow of the candles and the aromatherapy they provide is enough to totally relax and calm....
 .....EXCEPT...except there is this guy...
...who won't stop talking. Good Lord, this child won't shut up. He talks before the food is served. He talks while the food is served. He talks with food in his mouth. Not sure how in the world he breathes - he never stops talking!
Calm is but an illusion 'round these parts....

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