Sunday, December 29, 2013


NorthernDaddy would like to let everyone in on a secret: Calm is an illusion in the Northern household. (If you know LittleNortherner, maybe it's not so much of a secret...)
NorthernMommy got a gift for Christmas that consisted of a candle holder and three scented candles. The scents are: Vanilla, Lavender, and Sandalwood. The idea that Yankee Candle sells is that the three candles are burned at the same time, and the fragrance that fills the air is supposed to create an atmosphere of "calm". Sounds wonderful, right?
NorthernMommy vacated the premises just before dinner time. Something about having to go help with the youth group at church. (Dang - NorthernDaddy is going to have to volunteer for something soon - just to get away from Little...) So, without NorthernMommy providing backup at dinner, NorthernDaddy decided to create an aura of calm around the dinner table by lighting the candles. (If the scent doesn't calm the child, maybe he'll be mesmerized by the flame.)
As you can see, the candles are merrily flickering away - and infusing the kitchen with a pleasing mix of vanilla, lavender, and does sandalwood smell like? Anyway, the glow of the candles and the aromatherapy they provide is enough to totally relax and calm....
 .....EXCEPT...except there is this guy...
...who won't stop talking. Good Lord, this child won't shut up. He talks before the food is served. He talks while the food is served. He talks with food in his mouth. Not sure how in the world he breathes - he never stops talking!
Calm is but an illusion 'round these parts....

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day Dreaming

Y'all remember back in August - back when it was so hot that whole afternoons had to be spent playing in the water? Yeah....that was nice, wasn't it?
Currently in the North Country, there is ice everywhere. Ice with a few fresh inches of snow on top of it. The temperatures haven't pushed higher than 30 - they've been mostly kicking around in the single digits. NorthernDaddy is running out of tolerance for the cold, and it's only the fifth official day of Winter. Never gonna make it to Spring.....just gonna recline in front of the space heater and dream about hot summer days on the lake....

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve...

Waiting for that Jolly Fat Elf....

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ice Storm

Normally, the Northerns get snow in winter (as opposed to summer, when the snow has already melted before it falls...). Last night, the snow was replaced by ice. Yuck. Ice is harder to drive in, makes chores more of an adventure, and weighs down tree limbs and power lines (which threatens power outages, which causes a whole lot of extra work). In short, nobody like ice...
...but, it is pretty.

Chickens are caged in by ice!

Ducks aren't faring any better...

Winter Wonderland

Friday, December 20, 2013


 The rink is marked out! Right after the New Year and NorthernDaddy's inventory at work, construction begins. The rink is going bigger (just a few feet bigger than last year) - to 20 x 32. It's farther back in the yard - flatter land. There will be all-new plywood for the sides, and new liner is going in. The local water hauling company will fill it up for $200. (NorthernDaddy is still trying to justify the cost: have it filled up in twenty minutes for a whole lot of money, or save the money and fill it with the hose..for four days?)
Can you see the stakes and line marking off the rink?
Won't be long before you see regular posts from NorthernDaddy on the Joys and Importance of Rink Surfacing!

Run, Santa, Run

NorthernMommy's Mommy (got that?) asked her to participate in a charity Santa Run. NorthernMommy run? Of course she'll run, and if she gets to dress up in a goofy costume in order to do it, she thinks that's even better!
The only downside was that the run was in a small northern town. The morning temperature in that town was negative 7. By the time the run started, it was a scorching positive 8 degrees. (You go run, Mommy...Daddy and I will be in the car...)

 While NorthernMommy and about seventy other Santas ran and walked all over town, LittleNortherner protested the cold by sitting in a Kwik-Stop, sipping on hot chocolate and tossing back Pringles.

His take? If it's so cold that even the squirrels have on thermal underwear, it's too cold to stand out and cheer -  no matter if it's for Santa (or two...or fifty)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Here Comes Santa Claus

NorthernDaddy still thinks that it's kinda hillbilly and backwoods-ish that Santa is pulled to the town green behind a tractor. (He also thinks it's totally cool!)