Monday, May 27, 2013

The Good Life

The torrential rains of last week have finally stopped, the grass is mowed, the sun is shining...and dinner is slowly roasting over the fire pit. Kick back, put up the feet, and relax.
Relax? What does that word mean?
 Just off camera, LittleNortherner is zinging back and forth from the gigantic pile of toys that he's dragged out to the arm of Daddy's chair, constantly asking, "Daddy, do you want to play soccer? Daddy, will you play golf? Daddy, do you want to play baseball? Daddy, will you shoot this arrow as high into the sky as you can?" 
Just off camera to the opposite side, NorthernMommy is trying to get rid of a large pile of branches and sticks that have fallen out of the trees recently. Only problem is that she's getting rid of them by sneaking them into the fire pit, and they are soaked. Putting wet wood into the fire has two interesting side effects; first, it creates a lot of steam and smoke. Second, it puts the fire out.....
Not a minute's peace around the Northern house. Still, NorthernDaddy can't imagine a better life....

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