Thursday, May 23, 2013

It's a Bit Humid Out...

It's been raining buckets this week. There were high winds and power outages earlier in the week, but it's mostly just rain now. Lots and lots of rain. Not complaining - the rain is needed, it's just that all the rain is coming down at once....
The area at the top of the picture (just past the bedraggled stand of knotweed that NorthernDaddy ran over with the mower) is usually dry, with grass growing in it. Now, it looks like the chickens are about to get a swimming hole of their own (they've been staring wistfully at the ducks' pool for the past week).

It might be worth mentioning that NorthernDaddy was standing in the middle of the yard to take the photos - and the water was over the toes of his boots. That's a lot of rain!

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