Saturday, July 28, 2012


NorthernDaddy messed up. Instead of planning out the trip to the Tulip Festival in Ottawa, he goofed off and surfed the pins on Pinterest. NorthernMommy noted his lack of preparation and cancelled the trip (she didn't want to overnight in a cardboard box amidst the tulips - that was Daddy's solution to choosing a hotel).  With a giant hole in the family schedule, and NorthernMommy's compulsion to see new things, the search was on to find a replacement trip.  When Mommy picks a destination, she goes on the principle of "the weirder, the better". If she can travel to a location that is new to her, that's even better. This time, she picked WaterFire in Providence, Rhode Island.
Now, when NorthernMommy proposed this trip, she started by asking, "Who wants to drive five hours to Providence and see something cool?" NorthernDaddy and Toddler just looked at each other and stayed silent. With no takers on that offer, Mommy tried a different tack. "Who wants to see a river set on fire?" Two hands shot up in the air, "We do!"  Two boys in the house - are you kidding? Of course we want to see fire!

WaterFire Providence is what the Northerns went to see. More than eighty bonfires artfully arranged in the rivers at the center of the city. Worth the trip. (Worth five hours of driving, a hotel stay, and staying up late!)

Rhode Island's state capitol building - across the street from the hotel. Nice.
 A daytime "before" shot - those braziers are each holding about thirty pieces of firewood. Gonna be awesome....!
 NorthernDaddy picked the dinner joint from the hotel guide book. It turned out to be the best burger that he has ever had. Start with the bottom hamburger bun, place an onion ring on it, and stack a beef patty, pulled barbecue pork, cheese, barbecue sauce, another onion ring, and the top bun on it. Un-hinge your jaw and enjoy life to the fullest.
The Northerns found a good spot to see the lighting (after a five hour drive, they aren't about to miss it!) and settled in as the crowds swelled and darkness crept in. Let's see some fire!!!! 

 Pictures don't do this event justice. Roaring bonfires all up and down the river, smelling the burning cedar and oak, feeling the warmth reaching out from the fires - it's quite the experience...
The fires are lit around 8:30 and burn until 11 or midnight. The braziers are refilled with wood as needed to keep the flames burning high. It's fun to watch the restocking procedure. There are six big utility boats (whalers) that have been painted flat black. As they glide through the fires, all that can be seen is the running lights and black-clad figures tossing wood on the flames. Totally surreal - totally cool.

Friday, July 27, 2012

It's a Zoo Out There

What to do when you need to kill time in Providence? Visit a zoo.

Toddler imitates an elephant (hint: the french fry is his trunk).
 Wonder what animal uses that door?
 Drive five hours to Providence, Rhode Island to see cows and chickens? Why, yes, of course!
Seriously - this zoo is so far inside the city that they deemed common farm animals worth adding to their exhibits. Cows, chickens, rabbits, ducks, and hogs. We paid to see these? We can step into our own back yard and see this. We want a refund!
 Giant Anteater with baby riding on her back.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lake Monsters!

Chilling at a Lake Monsters game with Big Dave and his wife, Amber. Can you guess why he's called Big Dave?

 NorthernToddler is wearing a helmet because that is what they were giving away as a promotion...all of the cool kids were wearing them...

Toddler got in line to get Champ's signature, but had nothing to be signed. His solution? Offer an arm to sign.

Thanks, Champ - now we'll never get Toddler to take a bath!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Hard Hit

Sometime Friday night, a predator visited the duck house. All three ducks were killed. Based on the entry point and which parts of the carcasses were eaten, it appeared to be the work of one or more raccoons. It's a hard hit to deal with. The Northerns hope to reinforce the duck house this fall and bring in a new flock next spring.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Kid Loves Hockey

NorthernToddler has a good imagination, he likes playing with his LEGOs - he loves hockey.

On the hottest day of the year so far, with humidity reaching, well, Northern Virginia levels, NorthernToddler was sitting in front of the fan creating a hockey rink out of an old shoebox and LEGOs. Quite the hockey enthusiast, huh?

Monday, July 16, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

New Method of Discipline

NorthernDaddy was in line at the grocery store checkout when a woman caught his eye. There was nothing especially attention-grabbing about this woman; it was just that she had suddenly come to a stop as she was rounding the corner into an aisle. She had a full cart of groceries and was trailed by two children (approximately five and eight years old), who bumped into her as a result of the quick stop. This woman - obviously the mother, judging by the fed-up expression on her face (NorthernMommy wears the look often...) - backed her cart up and turned to the front of the store. As she headed for the checkout lines, she simply said, "No bacon."  Her voice was calm and level, she made no threats, and as the older boy began to protest, she just looked at him. He shut right up.

NorthernDaddy thought about that for quite some time. What an effective parenting/discipline technique that could be. See, everyone loves bacon. NorthernToddler would sell his grandma for bacon. (Sorry grandmas!) How awesomely wonderful it would be to turn to a crazy, frothing-at-the-mouth Toddler and just say, "That's it - no bacon."

NorthernDaddy thinks that would work great! 

(Fashion Boy. Broke the lenses out of sunglasses - wears them anyway.)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Duck Story

Sometimes, people ask NorthernDaddy how he can plan to kill and eat the "pet" ducks. The first (and easy) answer is that they are tasty. The second answer is: Revenge.

As much fun as it is to see the beautiful ducks splashing and playing in their swimming pool, there are a few disadvantages to raising ducks. They are messy. Until NorthernDaddy put down a layer of geotextile and covered it with river rock, the ducks would dirty the pool water almost immediately by dabbling in the mud and rinsing their heads. After the rock went down, the ducks have to walk ten feet to find a source of dirt/mud, which keeps the pool clean for, oh, about five minutes or so. Ducks are also slightly crazy - the slightest flash of light at night will send them into a berserk frenzy that has them bouncing off the walls of their house. That means that they have to be locked in for the night before it gets dark - or one has to walk out in the dark without a flashlight to lock them up. Not having a flashlight in the dark during skunk season is a very bad idea (at least to NorthernDaddy. Y'all can come on up here and give it a try yourselves if you want.)

The easily spooked nature of our feathered friends is how the Lost Duck Episode began. NorthernDaddy was doing his morning rounds and stepped into the duck house, leaving the door cracked open a little (can you see where this is going?). As he was pouring out the feed, some little movement or twitch or held breath spooked the flock and they exploded. Feathers and wood shavings were everywhere, ducks were bouncing off walls, and quacking - such loud quacking. All one could hear was quacking, except for the quiet whistle of wings as one duck winged out the door. In the two seconds that elapsed from the start of the spooking to the time that NorthernDaddy got the door pulled closed, one duck escaped. There are few words to describe NorthernDaddy's emotions as he watched his dinner fly ever higher and farther over the neighbor's house. He's guessing that nobody is ever happy to lose livestock (ducks count as livestock, dammit!) at five-thirty in the morning.

NorthernDaddy had a pretty mellow morning at work, but the day improved at noon because he was working half-days that week. He had a glimmer of hope that the missing duck would make its way home and be sitting close to the fence and his buddies. As Daddy pulled into the drive, he saw no evidence of a duck. Scanning the backyard.....the duck is sitting under the trees between the houses! Daddy quickly grabbed a broom handle (for herding, not for bashing the duck) and eased around the front of the house to try and herd the duck back to the pen. Now, picture NorthernDaddy sneaking around a big ol' tree with his arms out, holding a broomstick, and urging the duck to head out across the yard. The duck wasn't having any of it - as Daddy would get closer and turn one way, the duck would just turn and waddle the other way - just out of reach of the stick. After a few rounds of this, the duck got bored with it and flew off to the north over another neighbor's house. Not good. Daddy decided to wait several hours to see if the poor little ducky would come back. Five hours later, the duck appears under the trees again. This time, Daddy decides to try a different approach. Picture NorthernDaddy sneaking around a big ol' tree with his arms out, holding a broomstick and a blanket. He's going to toss the blanket over the duck and catch him that way! Well, it turns out that the duck is extremely wary of big brown blankets (or the goofy broomstick-holding, blanket-throwing creature that is chasing him), and it flies off to the west to points unknown. NorthernDaddy is sure that he will never see this duck again.

The next day, NorthernDaddy has to keep fielding questions from Toddler about whether the duck has come home or not. NorthernDaddy has thought that he's heard quacking throughout the day, but he hasn't seen the duck at all, so he's sure that the duck isn't ever coming home. Just as Daddy is finishing telling Toddler that the duck probably isn't ever going to come back, there is a loud QUACK. It comes from across the street, directly across from the front door. A search party is sent out, and finds the bleeping duck hiding up under the limbs of an evergreen tree. NorthernDaddy gets his broomstick (why are you laughing? Just because it didn't work the first two times....) and chases the duck through the thickest, most tangled mass of vines and weeds that he's ever been in. Forget herding the duck, if Daddy can get close enough he's going to smack the duck with the broomstick. It'd be better to have an under-grown duck in the freezer than to have one mocking Daddy from across the street. The fugitive webfoot turns out to be much faster through the weeds than Daddy, and gets away once again. No sightings or quacks for the remainder of the day. Damn duck.

The third day, the Northerns have totally given up hope of ever seeing the duck again. They go about their day and try not to think about ducky. When they stop by home after a mini-golf outing, NorthernDaddy hears an odd quack from the duck house area. Stepping around the corner, Daddy sees an incredible sight: the prodigal duck is sitting right next to the fence, talking to his buddies. NorthernDaddy grabs the blanket (definitely going to net a duck this time!) and charges after the fugitive. He gets there fast enough to scare the duck into climbing the poultry netting fence. Everybody knows that ducks can't climb, and Daddy thinks that he's got this thing done. At the last second, the duck scoots left and eludes the blanket. Good news is that the duck follows the fence around to the door side of the duck house. Daddy gets another shot at it! As the final throw of the net is readied, the duck scoots into the thick tangle of plants next to the duck house door. The door has been left open for the past few days to try and entice the duck to come back in (the others have been safely penned in the run). Daddy knows that the duck can only go forward into the duck house or back into the waiting blanket. He edges forward and hears the duck rustling in the plants. Ease him forward, ease him...the duck has other plans - he buries himself deep inside a bush, trying to work through it to freedom. Daddy steps in front of the bush and gets ready to dive in after the duck. First, he needs to call for Toddler's help. Toddler! Get NorthernMommy for backup! All of a sudden, the rustling stops and Daddy can't find the duck. Where's the duck? He got away again? Then, there's a bump from the trashcan in the duckhouse (yes, the ducks sleep inside an old metal trashcan) ----- the duck has run into the house! NorthernDaddy slams the door shut and everyone does a victory dance!

Yup, revenge for running away - that's why NorthernDaddy is gonna make heads roll this fall....