Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 The Year in Review

It's that time again - the time when every media outlet has looked back at the year that has just passed and is serving up their "Best Of" and "This Happened" lists. It is no different in the Northern household. The year is reviewed - and there have been some major events and many, many activities this past year. So much has happened that it would be impossible to write a report about all of it. (Even the 'highlight reel' would be several pages!)
So, as NorthernDaddy is prone to do when he gets lazy, there will be a collection of photos showing parts of the past year. The Northerns found that, even holding to a photo essay, there is too much to share, so you'll only see about a third of the pictures they wanted to post. Some photos will be repeats from blog posts and some will be new to our readers.
The NorthernBaby Premium Propaganda Machine is proud to present their annual report showing why the North Country is the Best Place to Raise a Child. (Alternate title: Damn, That Three-Year-Old Is Gonna Run Mommy and Daddy Into the Ground.)


Diane said...

Great pictures - thanks.

Iris said...

Great memories...I don't want him to grow up so fast!