Friday, December 23, 2011

Darn Blinking Angel

NorthernToddler has a thing against the angel topping the Northern's Christmas Tree. Mommy and Daddy aren't sure why Toddler is anti-angel, but it came on suddenly this last week. One day at dinner, Toddler started griping about the angel on top of the tree needing to come down and be replaced by a bright star like the one on the tree at Papa Frank's. (NorthernDaddy had nothing to do with this even though he likes the star better, too. Nope, wasn't me. Wink, Wink....)
NorthernToddler decided that tonight was the night - the angel's coming down. He grabbed his broom and sneaked to the tree. Up with the broom - up on his tippy toes - and FLASH! - Mommy caught him in the act.
Santa's bringing coal this year....

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