Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Stalking Champ....

NorthernToddler's relationship with Champ? It's complicated.


Some might think it's cute to see a toddler spend an entire baseball game scanning the area for a glimpse of the team mascot. Some might even smile knowingly when a little one asks to go down front to get a better view of the mascot dancing on top of the dugout - we've all been there, right? Most know that children of all ages adore the lovable Champ.


NorthernToddler? NorthernToddler is a full-on Champ stalker. He's got Champ's whereabouts locked down. From the moment that the outfield gate swings open to let Champ's ATV come rolling in to the second that Toddler is escorted out of the ballpark (by his parents - not the police. They aren't on to his stalking yet...), he knows where the big green guy is standing. Toddler has a mental map of the ballpark and keeps a stopwatch ticking in his head. He tracks the sound of that ATV and has logged when Champ's rest and bathroom breaks occur - he knows where Champ will pop out next.


So, when Toddler was finishing up a potty break and realized that he would be rounding the corner out of the bathroom at the exact same time that Champ would be motoring up to the entrance to Toddler's seating area, he sprang into action. Toddler jumped out into the middle of the concourse and flagged Champ down. Time for a picture! Cute, huh? Champ thinks that he's just posing for another picture with an adoring fan. NorthernDaddy thinks that Toddler is trying to lift Champ's wallet to get his ID so that he can find out where Champ sleeps and stalk him there....

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