Saturday, September 24, 2011

Northeast Street Rod Nationals, 2011

NorthernToddler and Daddy rolled out on their annual pilgrimage to the Street Rod show. Every year, they share some bonding time by admiring the colorful and curvy miracles of engineering and style.


This year, it was raining. More precisely, it started raining right after NorthernDaddy bought his ticket at the gate. No big deal - the boys can tough out some wet clothes to see the cars!Toddler would have y'all note the car-themed shirt that he chose to wear; he wanted to fit in to the crowd.

Being three can get you places that not even a grown man can talk his way into...

On the drive to the Expo, Toddler asked about being allowed to get inside some of the cars. NorthernDaddy explained that the extreme cost of most of the vehicles would make it so Toddler would not be allowed to go inside any cars, and that Toddler should take great care to not even touch the cars. Imagine the surprise (of both Toddler and Daddy) when the owner of this car offered to let Toddler sit inside and "drive"! Totally cool! This was the highlight of the show for Toddler, and the owner deserved his giant THANK YOU!
French Fries are consumed every year. It's tradition. It's important.

It was hard to take any artistic (or clear) photos with the rain and fog, but here are a few:

A perfect family hauler...

It can be forever debated whether Ford or Chevy is better, but Toddler and Daddy would both take either one. (If the 'Stang was in the blue that the Camaro is, that would sway Daddy's opinion!)

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