Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Fair

2010 Champlain Valley FairNorthernDaddy is tempted to leave just that opening sentence and the pictures and let y'all figure it out, but he's guessing some of the photos need to be elaborated upon. For example, the above picture is of a sand castle. A slightly larger-than-normal sand castle. Somewhere around twelve feet tall. Some Fairs get big statues made of butter, we get insanely detailed sand sculptures - this shot is of the back side, but all four sides are just as intricately carved (if you can "carve" sand...).
Below, we full-blown race cow?
No, NorthernDaddy doesn't know what exactly it is, he doesn't know why, and he doesn't know who Mr.Scott is. All he know is that he came out of the exhibit hall and NorthernToddler was sitting in a bright green drag cow. (Please note that NorthernToddler Brands™ does not endorse any political candidates.)
Every year, Grandpa Frank wants to ride the ponies. NorthernToddler enjoyed his pony ride - until there was a sudden stop and the cry, "SHOVEL" echoed through the tent. Yuck! The pony two places ahead of NorthernToddler made a mess! A few minutes later, the cowboys and girls were back to galloping around the circle.

Um.....Grandpa.....I'm a big boy, and I know that this isn't real fishing!

(But I caught a SHARK!)

NorthernDaddy gets his fried dough, NorthernMommy gets some fresh mini doughnuts, and NorthernToddler gets a sample of both. (Little Moocher!)

Can you see what's in that cage? Yup - looks like a tiger. Sounds like a tiger. Moves like a tiger. It must really be a tiger - so who needs the sign in the foreground?!
You can't see it, but there are thirteen tigers housed in a line of fourteen cages. Fourteen cages that each have their own sliding doors; doors with padlocks left in the unlocked/open position. NorthernDaddy knows that the odds of a tiger pushing a padlock out of its hasp and sliding the door open are pretty slim, but he was still nervous. (There isn't a whole lot to do to save one's hiney if an annoyed tiger suddenly frees himself fourteen feet away....)
Overall, this year's Fair was great - excellent weather, good food, not too bad a crowd. There were some downsides - not enough fried dough was consumed, Kenny's "game where he won a goldfish" wasn't there this year, and NorthernDaddy still cannot knock three blocks off a table with a baseball - but it was a good time anyhow!

1 comment:

The Virginia Jeeper said...

Shovel! I need a shovel over here!

When Jack visited the fair and we went into the petting area, one of the animals decided to use the top of a goat's head as a receptacle for solid waste. "Hey Jack, let's not pet that one, let's go over here!"