Friday, September 10, 2010

It's Not a Sick Day!.....

Well, technically, it was a sick day: NorthernToddler's immune system decided (at one AM) to invite croup to a party. Our little barking seal kept NorthernMommy home in the morning,and NorthernDaddy home in the afternoon. (Yay! Tag-Team Sick Days!)
Currently, the croup is acting as if it were merely a common cold - which is fine. Nobody in this house wants to deal with stridor again.(Well, we didn't ask NorthernToddler, but he's asleep now, so we can't get his opinion at this time!) Coughing and a runny nose are easier to endure.
NorthernToddler was feeling fairly good today; he just got tired more quickly from the coughing and trying to breathe through his clogged nose. The rest of the time he wanted to play. When NorthernToddler awoke from his nap (during Daddy's time on duty), he wanted a snack. A bowl of Cheerios -sorry, I meant "oat dust glued into little circular tubes" and several tomatoes led to a pickle. NorthernToddler is really into pickles these days. He'll chomp into one, shudder violently because of the vinegar taste, and then snarf the rest of the pickle down. (It's a good thing that he loves pickles, because NorthernMommy gets them in gallon-size jars so that she can re-use the jars for milk. You have any idea how long it takes to eat one gallon of pickles? It takes us a week, but that's with Mommy pushing us to consume them. She makes us eat pickles right out of the jar, pickles on sandwiches, pickles in our ice cream, and even pickles with our eggs and bacon in the morning! NorthernDaddy is developing a taste for pickle coffee.....)
After snack, we did all kinds of things: we read books, chased flies around the house with a swatter, cleaned our leather boots, baked some bread...(wait - got the order wrong: we baked bread before cleaning the boots - can't be getting chemicals in the bread!)...and played soccer in the kitchen with a crumpled-up empty bag of Goldfish crackers. (NorthernToddler won on points, NorthernDaddy won on stylish trick kicks!)
NorthernToddler also instituted "Hat Time". He got a new hat from daycare the other day, and has been wearing it non-stop. He was wearing it as we watched a Trace Adkins music video and noticed the big black hat that Trace wears. NorthernToddler insisted that his daddy go get his hat. He further insisted that everyone in the house at that time must wear their hats. So we did.
NorthernDaddy got a picture because NToddler is too cute with just about any hat on. Below is NorthernToddler stealing Daddy's hat and mugging his best Jason Aldean imitation.
(By the way, if any of y'all had to run a web search on either Trace Adkins or Jason Aldean to figure out who they were, I demand that you start listening to a quality country music radio station!)

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