Saturday, August 8, 2009

What Are We Gonna Do With Eight Pounds of Blueberries?

One lovely day last week, Northern Daddy arrived home from work and Northern Mommy announced that the clan was going to pick blueberries. Now, Northern Daddy is a pretty smart guy, and he's pretty sure that there aren't any blueberry bushes in the back yard, so he quickly deduced that his plans to relax at home with an adult beverage were going to be postponed.
The clan loaded themselves into the official adventure vehicle - aka Mommy's car - and pointed it down the road to the blueberry farm. (How many times before have you heard the term 'blueberry farm'? -not many, I'll bet!) They arrived a little bit before the gates opened (gotta protect the blueberries from predators....!) and waited patiently in the lane...("we're gonna be the very first ones into the blueberry patch, dammit!")
Below you'll see NB/T and his mom harvesting blueberries. (As an aside - Northern Mommy earlier - not ten minutes ago - suggested that I start referring to Levi as Northern Toddler instead of Northern Baby. Does she not read these posts?! What exactly does she think NB/T stands for?! --Northern Mommy: go back and READ MY WORDS! - you'll see that NB/T takes care of the toddler label!) NB/T has the unique harvesting technique of "one for the bucket, three for my tummy". He also has the habit of checking the bucket every few minutes for any "strays" (as he puts it...) that he needs to "clean up for you"!Here is NB/T finishing off the fifth pint of blueberries! Not really - he's just playing the role of quality control inspector as we fill the containers.

I like this one. Patrolling the rows...

A few of Northern Mommy's friends from the moms' playgroup. There was live music playing as we picked berries and had a picnic (hey - gotta come prepared!).

I sure hope the cork is in there real tight!

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