Monday, July 13, 2009

Northern Baby's Week in Virginia

Northern Baby/Toddler spent his summer vacation (well, yeah: one-year-olds take vacations!) with Grandma in Virginia. He came back north and showed me the pictures of what he did, and it seems that he had a great time! Follow me on a trip through his vacation slides....
NB got to see a Fourth of July parade with his Grandma, cousin and uncle. Here you see NB celebrating Independence Day by waving a flag at the parade - judging by his expression, he's also thinking, "Boy is it HOT down here in the south - why are we outside?!"Grandma had a pool set up at her house for the tykes to play in. Northern Baby/Toddler has changed from being terrified of swimming pools to loving the water.
"Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip
That started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship
The mate was a mighty sailing man, the skipper brave and sure..."
Northern B/T (Northern Baby/Toddler - keep up people! That's the second time I've used it - if you can't follow along, I'm not going to explain it again!)
-NB/T got to go on a boat ride! It looks like he's ready to try his hand at waterskiing..

NB/T even got to man the helm of the mighty ocean liner. It's a good thing a more experienced captain was aboard - I think Levi would've needed to sit on a few phonebooks to see over the wheel..

-A Sunday Drive-

A trip to Burke Lake and a ride on the train with Grandma and his cousin.

Hey lady: why did you put me in this weird chair, and just where are those French Fries I ordered?

This was done just to get under Northern Daddy's skin - while he's stuck at home eating frozen pizza and chicken nuggets, NB/T takes the group out for some Five Guys. In this photo, Levi talks sh%# to his cousin because Jax is backing down from Levi's challenge to eat a 50lb bag of French Fries....has anyone other than me noticed that NB/T eats a whole lotta French Fries?

Hanging out in the Inner Harbor

Hey everybody, I'm just gonna lay down right here for a little bit. (Notice Jackson leaning in to see if he's dead yet...)

Grandma catches two little monkeys in the rain forest.

Jackson's only being silly because Levi dared him to make a face - he's such a trouble-maker!

1 comment:

Mrs.B said...

Looks like Levi, Jax, Grandma and Grandad had a great time! Love the pics!