Monday, December 8, 2008 of the kid?

Okay, so someone in the DEEP South mentioned that a blog that chronicles the raising of a Northern Baby should maybe have a few pictures of said baby. (Hey, Aunt Diane: LOOK!)

Santa's new helper. He looks so happy, right? I'll be sure to post a few pics on Christmas morning when he gets coal in his stocking! He deserves it for yelling at me all the way home today as I was trying to keep from sliding off the road in the snow and ice!

A photo from this summer, when Levi and I were discussing whether or not to head up to the country store for a few more pints of Ben and Jerry's. (We had just decided that it was a grand idea, and then Mommy nixed our plans.)

The "suggestion" to post pics of Northern Baby has been noted, and there will be more photos in the future.

To round out today's entry, I submit a list of clues to help you determine if you are indeed raising a Northern Baby. This is by no means a complete list, and will refer mostly to cold/snow clues, as it is (bad word) COLD here in moose land. (The high temperature today was 16 degrees.)

  1. A happy, fun-filled gathering to watch Santa arrive (by tractor!) and light the town Christmas tree is cut extremely short by the desire to keep from freezing one's (umm...let's say 'happy place') to a block of ice. ( You can justify bolting for the car by telling Mommy that little Northern Baby probably shouldn't be standing out in the blowing snow with a negative wind chill rating!)
  2. The thermometer has a "-" in front of the number displayed.
  3. If salt spread on the road will not melt the ice, that's a small clue that it's cold.
  4. If your little one thinks it's normal for his view out the car window to suddenly spin 360 degrees at random points on the ride to daycare.....
  5. If the inside doorknob in your mudroom is covered in frost, you might be in the north! I'll bet that there are relatives of Northern Baby that rarely see frost, much less on the inside of windows. Heck, another clue would be that you have a mudroom-or a door yard.....
  6. If the weather forecaster calls for temps to reach 42 degrees, and you think "hey it's going to be WARM"!
  7. ..........................................................I can't continue without getting deeper into despair and resorting to using foul language...and that just isn't the example that we want N.B. to see, so I'll sign off for now and go hang out in the basement with the oil burner.


Becky said...

if you need to warm up, you're more than welcome to visit Boston. We had a high of 29 yesterday!

Mrs.B said...

Yeah...PICTURES of your Mini-Me!!! I love this post! The deep south is screaming for MORE PICTURES!