Sunday, January 17, 2016

A Day of Fun

NorthernDaddy dragged LittleNortherner down to the 2016 Yankee Sportsman Classic. Little didn't want to go wander around some hunting and fishing expo. He changed his mind when he got to climb up in shiny boats, check out fancy RVs, and shoot all kinds of things.

Gotta get one of these things!

Um, Daddy...I know you love archery and all, but it's not really my thing...

Like shooting fish in a barrel...wait: What does that mean? Who shoots fish when they're in a barrel? Why?  -- Never mind - it doesn't apply when you can't even get a hatchery-raised trout in a confined space to bite on your grub.
(This kid loves to fish, though!)

This is the life...I mean, who wouldn't pay 60 grand to enjoy this?

Don't let his lack of training fool you; this kid can shoot. (He surprised his Daddy by hitting somewhere in the 80% range out of 200 rounds. Including decimating the moving targets!)

Another round with the pellet guns. Daddy (with tons more training and experience) edged out LittleNortherner with a better group. Thinking that a little training will have Little shooting 'Expert' in no time...

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