Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Shelburne Museum - January

Just clearing a few photos out of NorthernDaddy's email folder...

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Ugh, Computers...

NorthernMommy and LittleNortherner headed to a "Family Formal" fundraiser at one of the local schools tonight. NorthernDaddy doesn't do 'formal', so he stayed home to work on installing a new wireless router for the computer. It looked easy.

It was far from easy. The new router needed to interface with the older modem, and it did not seem to want to. There were all kinds of settings to change, multiple levels of passwords, and some re-booting needing to be done to convince these pieces of hardware to talk to each other.

NorthernDaddy hates working on computers. Using them is just peachy, but messing with software settings makes him ugly. He's just gonna sit around and wait until LittleNortherner gets old enough to become his full-time IT guy....

NorthernDaddy was going to post a photo of the actual computer and hardware that he was fighting with until he realized that the photo included a piece of paper with his network identifiers and passwords - so he is going with this nice photo of NASA's space launch facility. (It looks about the same as the Northerns' mess.)

A Day of Fun

NorthernDaddy dragged LittleNortherner down to the 2016 Yankee Sportsman Classic. Little didn't want to go wander around some hunting and fishing expo. He changed his mind when he got to climb up in shiny boats, check out fancy RVs, and shoot all kinds of things.

Gotta get one of these things!

Um, Daddy...I know you love archery and all, but it's not really my thing...

Like shooting fish in a barrel...wait: What does that mean? Who shoots fish when they're in a barrel? Why?  -- Never mind - it doesn't apply when you can't even get a hatchery-raised trout in a confined space to bite on your grub.
(This kid loves to fish, though!)

This is the life...I mean, who wouldn't pay 60 grand to enjoy this?

Don't let his lack of training fool you; this kid can shoot. (He surprised his Daddy by hitting somewhere in the 80% range out of 200 rounds. Including decimating the moving targets!)

Another round with the pellet guns. Daddy (with tons more training and experience) edged out LittleNortherner with a better group. Thinking that a little training will have Little shooting 'Expert' in no time...

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Hitting the Hardwood

Boys Will Be Boys (And Require Medical Treatment)

LittleNortherner got to visit the Urgent Care clinic....again.

Mr. Macho tried to stop a tire swing with his head. Turns out that he cannot do that, especially when another kid is swinging in the tire swing.

After the teachers picked him up off the ground, and got the tears and bleeding stopped, NorthernMommy got to cart LittleNortherner off to the clinic for stitches. 

Doc, I think I'm dying....

LittleNortherner discovers that there is not a more boring place on earth than a hospital.
The staff frowns on playing with all the cool toys hanging on the wall.

 Someone's got to smoosh the flesh back into the proper shape in preparation for the surgical adhesive...LittleNortherner vetoed Daddy's participation....

After it's all done - glued up, bandage on, life goes on - the toughest part has turned out to be answering the constant question of "What Happened?".

LittleNortherner has gotten fairly good at answering the question with a quick, "Tire Swing". He's even gotten to where he doesn't have to wait for the question to be asked. He notices a person glance towards his eyebrow and just offers the answer. Pesky people.

NorthernDaddy has tried to increase the level of 'manliness' to Little's story. He's suggested that Little embellish his tale to make it so he's the hero that pushed the cute girl out of the path of the tire swing, saving her just before he got walloped. No dice on Little's part.

After encountering "the question" umpteen times today while with Little, NorthernDaddy has insisted Little "man it up" in his response. Daddy has instructed Little as to the correct answer to give every time he gets the question of "What Happened?" :

"Knife Fight"