Friday, April 3, 2015


Twenty-four days ago, the town posted the road across from the house. 

Normally, this is the surest sign of Spring arriving; of Winter loosening its grip on the land. NorthernDaddy has posted on this phenomenon before, and how the event is looked upon as a reason to celebrate.

This year, after a long, cold Winter, it was a shock to see the road posted. There had been no signs of warmer weather, in fact, the ground was still so frozen that the post you see the sign on in the photo below didn't get planted deep enough and fell over the next day. The cold temperatures and frigid wind have stayed in place, and nobody was in the mood to celebrate "Posting Day" in the Northern household.

(The only bright side has been today's 60 degree temperatures - hands have thawed enough to type coherent sentences and finally celebrate the arrival of Spring!) (The weather forecast calls for snow and low temperatures tomorrow.....Winter is stupid...)

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