Thursday, February 5, 2015

Clean Your Room!

NorthernDaddy just wanted to share this picture:

Such a nice kid's room, right? 

NorthernDaddy thinks that all parents know the true picture. Just out of the frame, there is a disaster zone. Foam swords, stuffed animals, and books are all mixing it up with dirty socks, toy cars, and art supplies. There are tokens from board games hiding under the dresser, a handmade hula hoop/flute combo is hanging from the bookcase, and the LEGOs are just plain taking over. (Not to mention the gigantic "storage room" crafted from a washing machine carton.) The only reason that the bed is kinda made up is that NorthernDaddy just couldn't take the jumbled blankets any more.
This room needs straightening up. No, it needs a good cleaning. Scratch that; it needs a professional hurricane clean-up company to visit. 
Anyone want to guess how long it takes LittleNortherner to clean his room this weekend?

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