Sunday, September 8, 2013

Good Eats

A few years ago, NorthernDaddy woke up and realized just how much money he was spending on bread. Shortly after that, he got angry: how can anyone justify spending four or five dollars on a loaf of bread? Forget the fact that it tastes like styrofoam or stale cardboard (Daddy knows what those taste like. Don't ask.), think about the ingredients needed only costing forty or fifty cents. One-tenth of the retail cost of that store loaf.
The store loaves have all kinds of 'extra' things in them, too. Chemicals to preserve, color, and flavor the bread (wonder where they get "styrofoam" flavor?). NorthernDaddy started to research bread baking, and he soon realized that are four ingredients in a loaf of bread (basic home-made peasant-style loaf). FOUR. Water, flour, salt, and yeast.
A person might say, "But it's so easy to stop at the store and just pick up a loaf of their bread..."
NorthernDaddy thinks that making his own is just as easy - mixing the dough takes about five minutes, waiting for it to rise might take an hour, and baking the loaf runs thirty minutes. Except for the mixing of the dough, the process is hands-off. You can go do something else while the bread rises and bakes.
Cheaper, easy process, better flavor - why not bake your own?
All of those words above just serve as an intro to the thought that started this blog post: the NorthernFamily can eat some bread. Hot bread fresh outta the oven? Gone. NorthernDaddy made two loaves tonight for dinner, and when it came out of the oven, he and LittleNortherner had eaten an entire loaf in less than five minutes.
NorthernDaddy would offer you some, but it just doesn't last...

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