Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Band-Aids and Broken Bones

A family in our community was dealt a nightmare this week.
Their oldest son was killed in a car crash.
At one in the morning, they were awakened from restful slumber to receive the news that their seventeen-year-old son had lost his life in an accident less than two miles from their home.
This family is dearly beloved in our town. They are members of our church and active in school music and sports. They are the dairy farmers from whom we buy our milk.
A close-knit family, hard-working, and God-fearing. NorthernDaddy is only an aquaintance of the family, but in observing their actions and seeing how their hearts affect what they do, he has nothing but the utmost respect for the entire family. They truly reflect the light of Christ.
Still, for reasons incomprehensible, God chose to call their son home.
Why does NorthernDaddy share this? He was helping LittleNortherner with dressing a nasty cut that he got yesterday. Trying to perform first aid on an unwilling child is....challenging. After the initial care, dealing with the child's carefully detailed instructions on how to apply the Band-Aids is....exasperating.
As he was going through this process, NorthernDaddy had a revelation: No matter how "challenging" it is dealing with hydrogen peroxide and bandages, it is absolutely nothing compared to how it might feel to lose a child. Just mentally start down that road - it doesn't take much to realize that scrapes and cuts are nothing. Give us a lifetime forever of boo-boos, Band-Aids, or broken bones.

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