Sunday, December 9, 2012

Great Artist

Picasso. Gauguin. Matisse. Monet.
Famous artists. Great skill. Internationally and historically acclaimed works.
Ladies and Gentlemen, another great is added to the list of Masters: LittleNortherner!
Since he only knew one or two of the Christmas carols being sung at church tonight, LittleNortherner turned to his art. He produced the above work between "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and "Frosty the Snowman". Yes, those two songs were sung by the congregation of our church. Sacrilegous? Maybe, but they helped to balance out some of the not-so-popular carols that were being suggested for singing.
Now, if you'll excuse him, NorthernDaddy has to go frame this important, ground-breaking work of art before LittleNortherner wakes up in the morning.....

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