Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Catching Up

There haven't been any new blog posts for a few days - it's been busy, and NorthernMommy discovered a new milestone for the blog: the 1GB limit for free photo hosting has been reached. How's that for a milestone? Not the 100th post, not a blogging award, not anything fun like that; just an invisible wall, preventing new posts. NorthernDaddy took the path of least resistance and started paying for the extra storage needed.
Here's just a few photos to catch y'all up:
Snowball Fight!

Driving the reindeer that are pulling his sleigh.

Hockey. Always hockey.

1 comment:

Diane said...

I got the same message of no free space available and was wondering what to do. I figured it was just my crazy computer but I guess not. I guess I will pay that monthly fee if I want to continue the blog.